The Granite School District, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, operates 90 schools. With more than 64,000 students, Granite is the second largest district in Utah and is among the largest public districts in the nation. Granite is also one of Utah’s largest employers, with more than 9,500 full and part-time employees. The district boundary encompasses 257 square miles.
With a population that is unique in Utah, the Granite School District faces an equally unique set of opportunities and challenges within the classroom.
- 54% of students live at or below poverty level (roughly 35,000 students)
- 3.25 of 5 students are "food insecure"
- 70% of Utah's refugees live within district boundaries
- 106 languages & dialects are spoken among our students
The mission of Granite Education Foundation is to improve educational outcomes by strengthening the Granite School District Community. This is accomplished through the engagement of business and community partners in the support of Granite School District and the academic achievement of all its students.
Join us on the National Day of Service to assemble Student Weekend Kits and Dinner Kits for pantries in the Granite School District. On average, Granite Education Foundation distributes 3,200 Student Weekend Kits, 290 Dinner Kits, and 2800 Snack Kits on a monthly basis.
Our goal is to assemble 7,000 Student Weekend Kits, 5,000 Dinner Kits, and 3,600 Snack Kits.
Minimum Age of Volunteers: 12 years old
We ask that you wear closed-toed shoes (NO SANDALS). We look forward to your help as we know it takes a community to help the Granite Education Foundation achieve our goals.
Reach out to Kim Oborn (knoborn@graniteschools.org) with any questions.
Location: GEF Donation & Distribution Center 3099 S. 1030 W, West Valley City, UT 84119. (use google maps, not applemaps to locate)