This event has been updated with the after-event text and photos.
On a very sunny Sunday Zeynep with Emerald Hills Institute and two wonderful friends came to Holladay United Church of Christ and brought Noah’s pudding.
At the beginning of our worship service Zeynep read to us the story and meaning of Noah’s pudding and invited everyone to join us after the service for pudding and discussion. During the time of the children's message Linda Hilton and Zeynep were able to share with the younger children how alike Muslim and Christian children are.
After the worship service ended about 100 people enjoyed eating Noah's pudding, reading more about Ashura and getting the recipe!
Then all three ladies from Emerald Hills Institute joined Linda for a question and answer session about how similar the lives of Muslim families and Christian families are. Moms have trouble getting kids out of bed in the morning to go to school. We all have to do chores around the house.
We also talked about differences in religions and cultures and learned that we are more the
same than different.
It was a very fun and informative morning and Holladay Church would like to invite Emerald
Hills back, with or without Noah’s pudding.
Linda Hilton
The event will be held at 2631 Murray Holladay Boulevard on 30 September at 9:00 AM.