Happy Eid! 200 Pound Meat Donations For Refugee Families
Happy Eid! We would like to thank Randy Edwards Williams and Halima Ali from Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection for their timely collaboration. Muslims carry on the tradition by making animal sacrifices to share with family&friends and to feed poor. This is how the festive season of the Eid al-Adha is celebrated! #refugeesarewelcome
Virtual Book Launch–The Humanities of Muhammed: A Christian View
Emerald Hills Institute cordially invites you to an online talk on the book launch of: The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View by Dr. Craig Considine. Imam Yasir Butt will introduce Dr. Craig Considine. What makes an American Catholic of Irish and Italian descent one of the leading global voices in admiration of Prophet Muhammad? In this...
Welcoming Salt Lake Week 2020
Welcoming Salt Lake Week 2020 Welcoming Salt Lake is an annual celebration bringing together people and local events that celebrate the contributions of immigrants and refugees and highlight the role communities play in ensuring everyone feels welcome. All of Welcoming Salt Lake 2020 events will be held virtually. #WelcomingSaltLake #WelcomingWeek @WelcomingSaltLake Welcoming...
Saturday School
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: https://forms.gle/D4SEbCy7jkMjUJEP8
Sufi Night- Reunion with the Divine, Seb-i Aruz
Anti-Asian Hate Crime in U.S. Rises During Pandemic Year
by Katharina Buchholz, Mar 17, 2021 Reports about attacks on Asians and Asian-Americans have been abound in recent months, ranging from members of the groups being spat or coughed on to Asian-Americans being battered or even killed. A survey of police reports by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University confirmed that racially motivated crimes...
Nowruz Celebration
What is Nowruz and why do we celebrate it? The word Nowruz (Novruz, Navruz, Nooruz, Nevruz, Nauryz), means new day; its spelling and pronunciation may vary by country. Nowruz marks the first day of spring and is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox, which usually occurs on 21 March. It is celebrated...
Stuff The Bus
Dear friends, Today we are kicking off our School Supply Drive for United Way of Salt Lake's annual Stuff the Bus event! Stuff the Bus provides more than 13,000 students with the school supplies they need to be ready to learn. However, this isn't possible without the support of the community to provide the school...
Islamic Spirituality- Don’t forget to register the lecture series
Islamic Spirituality Lecture Series Dr. Zuleyha Keskin will be with us. Register in advance for these Virtual Lecture Series:
National Faith & Blue
4501 S 2700 W West Valley, Utah 4502 S 2700 W, West Valley, UTAt the heart of this initiative is the reinforcement of connections between law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve through the reach of houses of worship. There is no resource that can match the depth of the faith community in facilitating a productive engagement with law enforcement, which is needed now more than ever....