On September 26, Emerald Hills Institute held Noah’s Pudding program with the Relief Society sisters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City where we talked about Prophet Noah’s story commemorating Noah’s arrival on Mount Ararat in Turkey by sharing Noah’s Pudding (Ashura), a traditional Turkish dessert.
Ashura is a holiday celebrated annually in Turkey. It signifies many events for Muslims, amongst the most significant being the day Noah’s Ark was set on dry land. The month-long festivities center on promoting friendship, good relations between neighbors, and universal peace and understanding. In Turkey, a traditional dish is prepared during this month known as Noah’s pudding. It is meant to symbolize the celebratory meal Noah made when he came off the Ark. It is a sign of peace, of community, of peace, and of a bright future.
It was a lovely evening with shared pleasant conversations, a spirit of lovingkindness, and a desire to learn more from one another’s traditions.