Faith Groups Turn To Worship With Virtual Resources During Pandemic
On Friday, leaders representing 13 different faiths from across the state held a virtual prayer group via Youtube Live. Those participating prayed for relief from the coronavirus.
“So we thought that it would be really great if we organized a virtual interface prayer so that people united together for the same cause, which is coronavirus," Mehmet Soyer said.
Soyer, the executive director of the Emerald Hills Institute, the organization who hosted the event, said it's important for people to come together in faith right now, even if they belong to different faiths.
The prayer group lasted for about an hour, and the Youtube Live video link was posted on Facebook for anyone to join.
Soyer said even though there were leaders from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, and Christian religions, much of what they said in the prayers was the same.
“We have lots of commonalities and we can unite together and we can solve the problems in society," Soyer said.
According to Soyer, it is important to recognize everyone is living through the global pandemic together.