Emerald Hills Institute
The Emerald Hills Institute hosted an iftar in collaboration with the Utah Department of Public Safety on March 22nd. Many members of the Muslim community and many law enforcement members joined together to break their fast and share a wonderful meal. The night was filled with many amazing speakers, including members of law enforcement such as Chief of Investigations Tyler Kotter, and USPS community engagement member Tara Stump. Tyler Kotter specifically emphasized the importance of connecting communities with law enforcement. The purpose of law enforcement is to protect, which is why it is so crucial that they build trust with different communities. There were also many Muslim community leaders present who spoke about their communities and the work that they do, including Utah Islamic Center Imam Shuayb, Khadija Mosque Board Member Aden Batar, Muslim Community Center Representative Nedal ElSharif, and Bosnian Mosque representative Sanel Kibric. President of Emerald Hills Institute Sergazy Nurbavliyev and Emerald Hills Institute board member Zeynep Kariparduc spoke on behalf of the organization. The iftar was also an opportunity for non-Muslims to learn more about Ramadan and fasting. Attendees were encouraged to sit with someone new, so the night was full of mingling and new connections. Overall, it was an amazing night and we are grateful for everyone who came together to make it happen.