Emerald Hills Institute
The Emerald Hills Institute had the privilege of breaking bread and sharing perspectives with over 150 guests at an interfaith Iftar dinner in collaboration with Salt Lake Community College Kurdish Student Leadership Club, Global Connections Students Club, and International Student Services.

Dr. Kamal Bewar and Zeynep Kariparduc kicked things off by welcoming everyone and congratulating students for working together to put this event together.

We heard a presentation about our organization by Emerald Hills Institute interns, Sydney Nelson and Hazel Bacon, followed by a presentation on the fasting practices of different religions by SLCC students, Pridhvi Subgani and Rumaisa Mughal.

Prayers were then offered by students from different campus organizations, representing various faith traditions. Truleigh Newbold from LDSSA shared an LDS prayer, Hamda Ibrahim from MSA offered a Muslim prayer, David Bridges representing InterVarsity Christian Fellowship delivered a Christian scripture and prayer, and Elana Fauth from the University of Utah’s Hillel Utah organization presented a Jewish prayer. Students, faculty, and guests enjoyed their time sharing and reflecting on diverse perspectives.